about the artist...
A South Florida art scene staple for over 15 years, Agustin Gainza’s artistic trajectory spans across more than 4 decades dedicated to drawing, etchings, ceramics and his constant medium, painting. He has exhibited in galleries in the United States, Europe and the Carribean, including his native country, Cuba. His work can also be found in both private and public collections. Since 1979, Gaínza lives in the city of Miami and in 2001, he established Gaínza Art Gallery, both a gallery and his personal studio, in Calle 8.
Sobre el artista...
La trayectoria de Gaínza se extiende a través de más de 4 décadas dedicadas al dibujo, el grabado, la cerámica y su medio constante, la pintura. Agustín ha expuesto en galerías de Estados Unidos, Europa y el Caribe incluyendo su país natal, Cuba. Su trabajo puede encontrarse también en colecciones privadas y públicas. Desde 1979 Gaínza vive en la ciudad de Miami y en 2001 estableció Gaínza Art Gallery, su galería y estudio personal en la calle 8.
Telling the story of color with madness & delight

Spanning over four decades, Agustín Gaínza has consummated a vibrant interpretation of the world around him. His body of work encompasses painting, drawing, printmaking and ceramics, and his unabashed use of color assumes a leading role in all of his endeavors. Memories of his native Cuba are intrinsically and harmoniously linked with a wicked sense of humor.
- Oil & Canvas
- Watercolor
- Ceramics
- etc.
oh what these eyes have seen
Awards & Exhibitions

Gaínza’s art is structured with various series of works. The moment he feels a theme may become repetitive, he passes on to another, often infusing trace elements from the previous series in the new ones.
Gaínza’s notable series include: Harlequins, Guajiros, Rural, Interior, Contempt, Mulatas, Moninas, Mamboletas, Umbrellas, Matías Pérez and his inexhaustible City series.
Gaínza has been featured in more than 60 solo and group exhibitions in the United States and countries throughout Europe, Asia, Central and South America and the Caribbean, including his country of origin.
- Madrid, Spain
- Miami, Florida
- Ars Atelier Paris, France
- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Washington, D.C.
Oh, what these ears have heard
Press & Critics

“His images capture the spirit, light, air, shadows, sensuality, and throbbing of the human heart. And he has seized all this poetry in the spasm of a nightmare.”